Jessica Gleadall » Rules & Dojo

Rules & Dojo

Our school uses Class Dojo to communicate with families. I highly recommend you have this app downloaded to your phone and check it daily with notifications on. This will ensure you don't miss any important information and reminders throughout the school year.




I am a firm believer in positive behavior management. At the beginning of the year, we talk about what Green and Red Choices are in the classroom:

  • Green means GO! That is behaviors that I want to see and will encourage.
  • Red means STOP! Those are behaviors that need to stop because they are disruptive to others and our learning.


Green choices help us earn Dojo points and praise! I will always encourage and point out children who are following our classroom rules. Children will earn 5 dojo points if I see them being a role model or going above and beyond in the classroom.


Dojo points can be spent on different rewards that the students and I will come up with together. (examples: lunch with teacher, extra computer time, special snack, etc.) 


Red choices that don’t improve will come with consequences:

1st time: The child will receive a verbal Reminder of Rule that is being broken
2nd time: Child will talk with teacher about making better choices.
3rd time: Lose 1 dojo point.* Teacher will notify parent about the recurring behavior.
4 or more times: Teacher will have student call parent/guardian about behavior.


(Please note: I will contact Mrs. Heath or Mr. Bogan if the behavior is severely disruptive or unsafe/causing harm.)

*If your child loses a dojo point, this will let you know that they have had been reminded 3 times already about their red choice and their behavior has not improved.