Ms. Lindy Bolyard » Classroom Responsibilities/Rewards

Classroom Responsibilities/Rewards

Student Responsibilities 
  • Follow directions quickly 
  • Be an active listener
  • Keep your hand and feet to yourself
  • Raise your hand
  • Be kind
  • Stay on task
  • Walking feet
To encourage positive behavior, I will be using Class Dojo. Each student will be given a dojo on the app. With the dojo the student can earn a point for positive behavior or lose a point for negative behavior. I pass out more positive points! :) 
We will also be working on filling up a class Compliment Jar! Whenever another teacher or staff member compliments our class or another student for good behavior, we will place a pom pom in the jar. Once the jar is full we will have a class party/prize. 
I will also pass out treasure box for positive behavior throughout the week.