Kristen Budde » Mrs. Budde's Counseling Corner

Mrs. Budde's Counseling Corner


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Welcome to the Walter Hill school counseling page! My name is Mrs. Budde (pronounced like the word buddy) and I am happy to serve as your school counselor again this year! I am excited to partner with our students and staff as we grow academically, socially and emotionally.
I love to work with students in classroom guidance lessons, in small groups and individually where we learn about a variety of social/emotional topics such as conflict resolution, making friends and healthy friendships, dealing with emotions and healthy coping skills as well as academic skills and career exploration.
I also coordinate our 504 and SAT team meetings as well as the ATLAS program. The counselor also collaborates with staff in a variety of ways to help best meet our student needs.
I look forward to a successful and fun year! If I can be of help to your student, please feel free to reach out to me via school email or by phone!
~Mrs. Budde